4 Strings 4 Fun
Bob Carlson

Catch Bob’s Show!

Here’s where you can find Bob Carlson playing ukulele around San Antonio.


Bob plays the uke in a wide variety of musical styles

Oldies Rock

Elvis, the Beatles, Everly Brothers…

Classic Uke Tunes

Five Foot 2, Moonlight Bay, vaudeville standards…

Meet Bob

Bob’s first ukulele was a rescue uke he found in a dumpster behind his college dorm.

He’s got a whole collection of ukuleles now and plays them whenever and wherever he can. Performing for an audience is always a thrill, but Bob also finds it very rewarding to teach his private students and group classes.

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Music Previews

Here are some samples of Bob’s music…

Ticket to Ride
Harvest Moon

Book Bob

Send a message through this form if you would like to book Bob for an event
OR email him at


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