Bob gives online ukulele lessons

Bob gives online ukulele lessons

Hi again everyone!

I wanted to take a moment to reconnect with you all. Everyone knows that the pandemic the last few months has disrupted all our lives. Some of those worst hit economically have been local musicians — few venues are willing to risk music events, and when they do, audience turnouts have been lower than before this whole thing started.

So where does that leave a guy like me? Well, I’m still here! As one of my teachers used to say, “Be like water” — and adapt! With this in mind, over the summer I started giving online ukulele lessons. Not just to a handful of my private students who wanted to keep practicing during the lock-down, but starting this fall I have also started online group classes (through the ALIR programme) with between 5 and 15 students per session.

It’s been great so far! The video chat software has turned out really useful, and we can even split larger groups into smaller break-out video chats to work on specific techniques.

This won’t stop me from finding open mics where I can, and depending on if things settle down I might get some of the old groups back together for lessons or jams.

So I hope you can find a chance stop by, I’ll see you in cyberspace!

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