Events To Come?
Invited to play a few tunes with old friends, Kevin A. Lewis and Rudi Harst, at Barriba Cantina on the Riverwalk.

Events To Come?

It looks like most of my gigs for the coming few months will be canceled — hopefully just postponed — until further notice. The live music scene in San Antonio is being hit by the coronavirus lock down. We are all hoping that in the fall things will start to kick up.

So I’ll just still keep praciticing, and will keep in touch with some of my old friends — like Kevin A. Lewis and Rudi Harst, below — so that we’re ready to jump and jive when everything is clear again.

Until then, be sure to join my email newsletter using the form at the bottom, and get notified of any upcoming performances!

Bob playing with others at the Barriba Cantina.
Invited to play a few tunes with old friends, Kevin A. Lewis and Rudi Harst, at Barriba Cantina on the Riverwalk.
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