Interview on the Sonny Melendrez podcast

Interview on the Sonny Melendrez podcast

About a year ago I did an interview for the radio show of a Toastmaster buddy, Sonny Melendrez, to talk about my musical journey, the ukulele, and to teach him how play a few tunes.

San Antonio residents will no doubt remember Sonny as a local radio and TV personality throughout the 1980s, 1990s, and 2000s. These days he is an author and motivational speaker, and hosts a regular podcast show featuring interesting guests with stories to tell.

Titled “How to Play Ukulele in 30 Minutes”, it’s very autobiographical and I may have shared a little too much, but it’s all true and honest and so what the heck, here it is!

Catch my half-hour episode with Sonny via his website, or on Spotify:

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