Jammin’ at Jandro’s

Jammin’ at Jandro’s

A quest for an open mic last week turned into an amazing jam at Jandro’s on St. Mary’s strip. Started at Las Chiladas for the usual First Thursday open mic, only to find the place overrun with harmonica players instead.

So off to Augie’s Barbecue downtown where I’d been playing through the summer — but too bad, no more open mics. Stopped by the Backyard on Broadway where I’d seen Tommy T. and Kevin A. play a few weeks before, maybe sit in with them, but no, it was Henry Brun and the International Trio. (They’re great!)

Last stop was Jandro’s. The sign-up sheet had some names but the first slots were empty. No one wants to go on early, sound man Alex said. “I will,” I said, and joined the house trio for an amazingly long improv in A minor. Finished with five songs, including an original.

“So it only goes to show, ya never know, ya know.”

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